A research study by the UAEU Center for Public ‎Policy and Leadership on the UAE food industry

The UAEU Center for Public Policy and Leadership ‎researchers are working on a research study on ‎‎“Sustainable Innovations in the UAE Food ‎Industry”. This study aims to investigate the ‎internal environmental factors such as physical ‎assets, financial and external resources, government ‎support and market dynamics that affect sustainable ‎agricultural innovations and their impact on the ‎success of food industry companies. ‎

This study is supervised by a research team headed ‎by Prof. Aydin Basarir from the College of Food and ‎Agriculture, with Prof. Mumin Dayan from the ‎College of Business and Economics, in addition to ‎Prof. Anthony Di Benedetto from Temple University ‎in the United States of America. The research team ‎is expected to complete this study at the end of ‎December of this year 2021‎‏.‏

Prof. Ahmed Ali Murad, Associate Provost for ‎Research said that the UAEU Center for Public ‎Policy and Leadership contributes to achieving the ‎university’s strategies through research and ‎development and building scientific capabilities and ‎technical skills in order to qualify a generation of ‎researchers to support the development process in ‎the country in the field of public policy. The center’s ‎research fields are various, as the center focuses on ‎research areas with national strategic priorities, ‎such as food security‏.‏

He pointed out that research is one of the important ‎priorities and basic indicators of the center. It works ‎through scientific cooperation with researchers and ‎university professors in the colleges to build and ‎develop scientific knowledge through conducting ‎academic research that contributes to building ‎knowledge and providing solutions to the local and ‎academic community that enhances the center ‎mission and vision. He also added that the UAE ‎University provides research capabilities for ‎researchers in the center to achieve the desired ‎goals that contribute to establishing and ‎disseminating knowledge.‏


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